Charting Champions at FMF 😍 This Week
Nov 07, 2022
If you are coming to FMF 😍 this week in Toronto I would be delighted to meet you 🎉🎉!
I will be hanging out in the exhibitors hall at the Charting Champions Booth (Booth number 932) with some amazing Charting Champions loot (including otoscopes to use at home 😲🤩❤️) and I would love to help you get the help, support and community to finally get you home with today's work done 👍
This month Inside the Charting Champions Program and Smarter Charting Program we have a BACKLOG challenge 🥳🥳🥳
That's right, we are getting ready for holiday season by clearing our backlogs 🎉🎉🎉
Could you imagine being able to have a weekend, a Thanksgiving, a Christmas, without the mental burden of unfinished work? That is available to you! And inside the community you get fellow peers levelling up their backlog game together!
We are learning the types of obstacles that come up and how to get the work done, even when we want to clean that garage instead (literally anything else right 😝😉)
We also learned about those "seasons" of inbox tsunami 🌊🌊 , such as after illnesses or your week on shift as a hospitalist) and an approach that allows both rest and progress in your inbox.
I am excited to meet the Victoria Division of Family Physician's at their AGM this Monday November 7th 😍. We will be talking about creating a sustainable clinical day and some of the changes we can make to have huge improvements in our lives, even as busy Family Physicians. It's pretty exciting to bring hope and solutions to exhausted Family Physicians 🥰.
So if you are ready for some pre-holiday help with your backlog, grab the link above to find out more about joining either program
Have a great week everyone 😊
Don't miss a beat!
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