Apr 04, 2020Our world is so different, even unrecognizable for many of us.
A complete pivot.
From fully booked schedules and three week waits for your Patients, to staying at home and figuring out virtual care, phone consultations and new billing codes.
Financial uncertainty
Fear for your health
Making decisions daily based on new and constant information
I want you to consider if you have been intentional about your priorities?
Have you been longing to have more time to work out or read a good novel?
Now, consider, have you scheduled that in for yourself?
You have plenty of time each day to get your priorities attended
What could you do that you will be so proud of yourself for accomplishing?
Plan it out
Make it fun
Take full advantage of a Pivot!
And if you need help adjusting I would love to help you achieve exactly what you desire
xx Sarah, the Charting Coach
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