Can you make someone satisfied? The answer is NO! You can work your butt of trying to provide plenty...
Have you ever asked yourself this question when you are rushing home 1.5 hours after the last patien...
Do you love a challenging case or feel completely threatened by it?Ā
When a patient comes in with a...
Being wanted is super attractive and panders to our egos like nothing else!
I get it, everyone I se...
What would make this a successful weekend for you? Think about waking up on Monday morning and evalu...
Hereā€™s a post for those of you who are new to family medicine. And for the seasoned of us who are st...
Hey there Physicians!
I wanted to give you a glimpse into life coaching and what it could do for yo...
Did you know time is your most valuable asset when you are evaluating time, money and knowledge.
Want to take your results and patient care to a whole new level?
When doctors check their results, ...
What is your goal and why?
One of my goals is that I want my consult notes completed before I move ...
Today I complete the day feeling like I slayed it! After everyone was seen I put my head down and go...
I am so glad it is Spring! Our puppies love water and I think that our planned kayaking adventure do...