Recently, Dr. John Crosby joined us inside the Charting Champions Program as a guest coach. We discu...
My absolute passion is to help you get the work of your clinical day completely done within the work...
February inside the program we were working on the challenge of running on time 😊.
Here are some...
I was teaching a group of Physicians recently the foundations for getting home with today's work don...
When was the last time you were off duty? Where there was no inbox, no charts, no nursing phone call...
Want to know a really fast way to burn out?
The answer is to try to make everyone happy. You may h...
Do you have that constant urgency, as if there's never enough time?
Does it feel like years since y...
December can be a month to think back and be thankful for the things you love and for the hard work ...
“How can I get my charts done?” is a question you’ve likely asked yourself at some point in...
Medicine was never meant to be easy, but no one said it had to take over your evenings, your weekend...