Last month inside the Charting Champions and Smarter Charting Program we were working on "Making...
Last weekend was windy, but the sun was out and it was a great day for an adventure
We drove out...
Whether you are staring at a pile of laundry, a backlog or a post-call inbox - it's easy to get...
Have you ever heard your brain say "this is serious" or "I need this result RIGHT NOW"?
You put so...
The month of May was filled with amazing conversations and lots of learning.
The Charting...
Following on from the theme of last week, this month inside the Charting Champions Program and ...
Inside the Charting Champions Program and Smarter Charting Program we have 30 day challenges.
The number of items in your inbox at the end of the day is NOT what makes you "good enough".
Check out this week's episode where I was invited to be a guest on Dr. Megan Melo's "Ending...
Isn't it interesting that day after clinical day the same things are always happening?
You wake...
This is an invitation to redesign your clinical day, and there's a special workshop coming up...
Piles of paperwork, open charts and running behind in the clinic got you down?
Then I am excited...